Yemen’s Health Ministry Denies Receiving Support to Combat Cholera

Local Editor

The Director of Combating Diseases at the Health Ministry, Dr. Abdul Hakim al-Kuhlani, denied media reports that the ministry received six million USD for combating cholera in Yemen.

"The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have called for allocating 22 million USD, but the international community has yet to respond .. and all what both organizations received were no more than a million and 900 thousands USD .. and all that money were still at the hands of those organizations and the ministry has received nothing yet," al-Kuhlanitold Saba on Tuesday.

He stressed on the importance of the rapid response by the donors countries to provide support to Yemen.

Kuhlanitold said cholera cases have reached 96 confirmed cases. There are 4,527 suspected cases. Eight people have died in the outbreak, as well as 61 from acute diarrhea.

The World Health Organization [WHO] said on November 14, the largest cholera caseload was in the governorates of Taiz and Aden.

However, the U.N. estimates the cholera caseload in Yemen could end up as high as 76,000 across 15 governorates.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by Website Team

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