Yemeni Missile Hits Riyadh ahead of Trump Visit

Local Editor

Yemen’s Ansarullah revolutionary forces fired on Friday a local-made ballistic missile at the Saudi capital, Riyadh, ahead of a visit by US President Donald Trump to the Kingdom.

Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network reported that the Yemeni forces, backed by allied fighters from Popular Committees, launched a Burkan-2 (Volcano-2) ballistic missile at Riyadh.

According to the report, Yemeni army said in a statement that the missile conveyed “a clear and important message that we are all ready to respond to the Saudi-led aggression.”

Yemen has been since March 2015 under a brutal aggression by Saudi-led coalition. Thousands of Yemenis have been injured and martyred in Saudi-led strikes, with the vast majority of them are civilians.

The coalition has been also imposing a blockade on the impoverished country’s ports and airports as a part of his aggression which is aimed at restoring power to fugitive former president Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

However, the revolutionary forces of Ansarullah and the popular committees have been heroically confronting the aggression with all means.

The Friday’s strike coincides with unprecedented Saudi preparations for Trump’s two-day visit to the Saudi Kingdom.

Trump has already departed for Saudi Arabia, where he is expected to finalize a $100-billion controversial arms deal with the kingdom. Riyadh has been importing tens of billions of dollars of arms from the US over the past years.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by Website Team

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