Yemeni Army Claims Hundreds of Saudi Vehicles, Numerous Aircraft Destroyed

Local Editor

Yemen’s armed forces have destroyed dozens of tanks, hundreds of armored vehicles, as well as numerous military aircraft belonging to the Saudi-led coalition since the beginning of its military intervention, army spokesman Brig. Gen. Sharaf Ghalib Luqman said Tuesday.

"Dozens of tanks and hundreds of armored vehicles were burned, some of them became our trophies and are now being used," Luqman told RIA Novosti.

"We have shot down ten Apache attack helicopters, three F-16 fighter jets and a lot of drones," he added.

Sharaf Luqman represents Yemeni loyalists of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh who are fighting alongside the Houthi Ansarullah movement against the supporters of fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi’s government.

Last March, a Saudi-led coalition of Arab states began airstrikes against Yemen at the request of Hadi.

The rising death toll among the civilian population prompted the United Nations to mediate a ceasefire between the Saudi coalition and the Ansarullah in December for the time of the intra-Yemeni talks in Geneva, although hostilities continued.

On Tuesday, UN chief Ban Ki-moon again urged all parties in Yemen as well as regional powers to commit to a comprehensive ceasefire to resume the delayed peace talks.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by Website Team

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