Humanitarian Aid for Millions of Yemenis

Local Editor

The Red Cross and the Yemeni Red Crescent are providing two million people in Yemen with humanitarian aid through a coordinated program.

The conflict in Yemen has affected almost everyone in the country. More than 1.5 million people have been displaced and almost 21 million Yemenis need support with food, water and shelter.

Winter distributions for those in need

With temperatures now dropping towards freezing and food prices remaining high, many families will need support over the winter. To help, the Red Cross distributed food and other relief items such as medicines.

Food baskets were also given to 70,000 people in the south of the country. Extra support through cash distributions went to households with family members who have disabilities or are headed by women. For the majority, this was the second round of support in three months.

Many water sources damaged by fighting

With fighting affecting sources of clean water, the Red Cross now distributes 120,000 litres of clean water daily to an area that had a severe water shortage. There is a special focus on reaching families with widows, older people, orphans and people with disabilities.

Keeping hospitals going

Since many hospitals and medical centres were destroyed in the fighting, there is increased pressure on those that remain. The Red Cross is providing oxygen cylinders to several hospitals so that they can carry out surgery on people injured by war and others in need. Hundreds of wounded people are also brought to the hospitals by Red Crescent ambulances.

We’ll be there to rebuild

Ted Tuthill, Head of Middle East and North Africa Region at the British Red Cross, said, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent is helping with war wounded, water and economic security. The Yemen Red Crescent Society is active and working under enormous pressure and we support them through our Yemen crisis appeal."

Source: News Agencies, Edited by Website Team

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