Saudi Air Defenses Down Yemeni Missile – Reports

Local Editor

Saudi Arabia, along with several other countries, launched a military campaign against Yemen’s Houthis back in 2015 in order to support former President Hadi. Houthi revolutionaries have launched several ballistic missiles against Saudi Arabia as part of retaliatory attacks.

Saudi air defenses have downed a missile launched by Yemeni Houthi revolutionaries against the city of Jizan, the state-run Al-Ekhbariya TV channel said. The attack took place several days after Houthi President of the Supreme Political Council (SPC) Saleh al-Sammad was killed in an airstrike conducted by the Saudi-led coalition. 

The conflict between HouthiS and former Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi began in 2014, when former President Ali Abdullah Saleh seized control of country's capital Sana’a due to political disagreements. The Houthis have seized control of Yemen's former capital Sana’a and most of the northern regions of the country, while presidential forces control the south.

Saudi Arabia and eight other Arab states announced in March 2015 that they would intervene in the situation in order to forcefully reinstate Hadi. According to 2017 UN estimates, some 10,000 Yemenis had been killed and 53,000 wounded since the Saudi

On November 6, 2017 Saudi Arabia imposed a blockade on Yemen, accusing Iran of supplying the Houthi revolutionaries with ballistic missiles. Iran denied all allegations. The blockade has distorted the supply of humanitarian aid, which along with the destruction of country's infrastructure as a result of the fighting, has led to massive famine, according to the UN.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by Website Team


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