Saudi-led Coalition Warplanes Target Various Parts of Yemen with 32 Raids

Local Editor
Saudi Arabia's war fighter jets targeted various parts of Yemen on Thursday with 32 air raids, Yemeni media reported. 

According to the website of Yemeni TV channel Almasirah, the Saudi aggression on Yemen continued in various provinces, causing injuries as well as damage to public and private property. 

'In Marib, four children were injured when a bomb of the remnants of aggression exploded in Al-Sarha area in Serwah district,' the Yemeni website reported. 

It also reported 12 raids on Al-Jar farms in Abs district, and 9 more raids on Haradh and Medi districts during the past hours. 

Taiz was also targeted in Mawze' district, and Hamalah area in Lahij was struck three times 

In Hodeida, two raids targeted east of Katabah in Al-Khukha, and another one hit east of Hays district. 

In Sa'ada, different areas of Razih and Munabeh districts and Al-Ghor area in Ghammer district were targeted by rocketry and artillery shells causing damage to citizens' farms and houses. 

A military intervention in Yemen was launched in 2015 by Saudi Arabia, accompanied by a number of other Arab states and supported by West, particularly the US. 

The bombings have claimed lives of thousands of Yemeni civilians, including hundreds of children. 

Human rights groups have frequently accused Saudi Arabia of violating basic rights of the people of Yemen, as the coalition has bombarded many civilian places, including schools and hospitals. 

Source: News Agencies, Edited by Website Team

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