Targeting Anti-Missile Patriot Proves Yemen's Military Superiority: Army Spokesman

Local Editor

The Yemeni army’s spokesman General Sharaf Luqman said on Saturday that the army's recent successful operation that hit the Saudi-led coalition anti-missile patriot system in Mokha proved the country’s military superiority.

In a statement received by the official news agency Saba, the Luqman said the successful operation also proved that Yemen owns national experts and experiments that would push the war toward a unique stage that would enhance the military capabilities against the enemy.

"The military operations are underway to defend the Yemeni western coasts and restore situations to the full control," he said.

Saudi Arabia began its deadly campaign against Yemen in late March 2015. The strikes were meant to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to fugitive former president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

About 13,000 people have been killed and over 19,343 injured since Riyadh launched the airstrikes. The Saudi aggression has also taken a heavy toll on Yemen’s facilities and infrastructure.

Yemeni forces have been engaged in retaliatory attacks against the Saudi forces deployed in the country as well as targets inside Saudi Arabia.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by Website Team

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