Yemen’s Houthis Launch Large-Scale Retaliatory Attack In Northern Yemen

Local Editor

On February 8, the Houthi Ansarullah movement launched a large-scale attack on positions of the Saudi-led coalition’s forces in the northern province of Jawf and managed to capture several positions in the al-Yatimah area of the Khabb wa al-Sha’af district, according to the Houthi media wing.

The al-Masirah TV reported that Houthi fighters killed dozens of fighters loyal to Saudi-backed resigned Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and captured 14 others in their advance. Moreover, the revolutionaries destroyed 8 armored vehicles of the Saudi-led coalition, according to the media outlet.

Local Yemeni sources confirmed that the Saudi-led coalition had conducted over 12 airstrikes supporting pro-Hadi forces in Jawf. However, the sources revealed that at least 7 civilians were killed in the airstrikes.

Source: News Agencies, edited by Website Team

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