Saudi-led Coalition Airstrike Hit Yemeni Provinces

Local Editor

Saudi-led coalition fighter jet launched a raid on Hodeida province on Sunday, an official told Yemen’s state-run news agency Saba.

The air strike targeted Luhaia district, the official added.

In Saada, the US-backed Saudi-led coalition continued launching airstrikes as well as missile and artillery bombardments in several districts of the province, a security official revealed to Yemen’s state-run news agency Saba.

In Haidan district, the warplane launched a strike at dawn on Maran Mountain. Others areas of Maran and Raqah area were shelled by artillery and missile by Saudi forces.

In Razeh border district, the warplanes waged two air raids on Azhur area after it was shelled by artillery.
Furthermore, artillery and missile shelling targeted Ghur area of Ghamer district and several areas of Munabeh district.

Saudi Arabia began its deadly campaign against Yemen in late March 2015. The strikes were meant to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and restore power to fugitive former president Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

About 13,000 people have been killed and over 19,343 injured since Riyadh launched the airstrikes. The Saudi aggression has also taken a heavy toll on Yemen’s facilities and infrastructure.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by Website Team