Yemen Conflict: This Grave Crisis Still Remains Overlooked!

By Shreya Kalra

While the war in Syria is getting all the attention from competing media houses, projecting the humanitarian crisis with particular agendas of the countries they are operating from, a similar and an equally brutal story bloodshed in Yemen has got little attention from the international community.

The world seems to have turned a blind eye to the pools of blood and heaps of corpses lying in the streets of several Yemeni cities. The cries of hungry kids are falling on deaf ears, while pleads of women and the elderly fail to draw the world's attention. It seems as if the world has abandoned Yemen.

Everything began as a popular protest in the country along with the other West Asian and North African countries, which came to be known as the "Arab Spring".

While the protesters were able dethrone dictators in some of the countries, agitation in countries like Yemen and Syria took shape of a "civil" war, which later transformed into international conflicts. As far as Yemen is concerned, the tiny West Asian state has arguably become an area of sectarian tussle between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

What is happening in Yemen and how did the conflict start?

With the outbreak of the so called "Arab Spring", beginning from Tunisia, a similar popular movement was taking place in Yemen, which is situated south of Saudi Arabia. The conflict began in this poorest Arab country when, following an uprising, there was a failure in the transfer of power from then 33-year-long President, Ali Abdullah Saleh to his deputy, Hadi in November 2011.

When Hadi came to power, he struggled to bring stability back to the country and battled with many problems including attacks by al-Qaeda, a separatist movement taking place in south of the country, the continuing loyalty of many military officers to Mr Saleh, along with social problems such as corruption, unemployment and food insecurity.

The Houthi movement that caters to Yemen's ... Shia Muslim minority and fought a series of rebellions against Saleh took advantage of Hadi's weakness to capture the Saada province and neighboring areas.

They were joined by ordinary ... Yemenis, who supported them in capturing the capital, Sanaa, in 2014. Houthis' sudden rise to power alarmed neighboring Saudi Arabia, which has a history of tussle with the group, and so on March 25, 2015, a Saudi-led coalition stepped in with air strikes to stop the Houthis from advancing any further. The Saudis claim that Houthis are trying to take control of some parts of the Kingdom.

Malnutrition and deaths continue to go up

It's hard to grasp just how devastating condition in Yemen is from this nearly two-year-long conflict. A Red Cross official created the grim picture that is Yemen through a few simple words - he said last year, "Yemen after five months looks like Syria after five years." The country has been listed as a Level 3 humanitarian crisis, placing it in the same league as Iraq and Syria - it's now suffering from the first man-made famines of the 21st century.

According to the UN's conservative estimate, the Yemini-Saudi-Houthi conflict has killed 10,000 people since it began 18 months ago, which is a steep rise from earlier estimates of 6,000 deaths. It also said that Saudi-led coalition is responsible for 60 per cent of the deaths, adding that the conflict had displaced three million Yemenis, and forced 200,000 to seek refuge abroad.

According to the UN, 900,000 of the displaced intended to try to return to their homes. Yemen's war extends far beyond deaths and displacement though - around 14 million of Yemen's 26 million population is currently in need of humanitarian and food aid and another seven million were suffering from food security.

So if Yemen is caught in such a grim and dismal situation, then why is the world not screaming for the plight of Yeminis like it is for Syrians?

There are many reasons for why the world has kept mum, some are political reasons while others are simple reasons ranging from lack of knowledge to on-ground intimidation from government in the form of violence in a war-torn country. This year, six journalists were killed while reporting from Yemen and one of them was killed by a bomb from a Saudi-coalition warplane.

Saudi Arabia's security alliance with the United States

Not only is America the most powerful country in the world, but a large chunk of global media operates from the Western countries. So when some of the oldest and most renowned media organizations don't, firstly pressure world governments through sheer reporting and secondly bring the world's notice to humanitarian atrocities taking place, then other organizations do not follow.

Now why a section of media isn't reporting can, to a large extent, be pinned on the alliance between the US and Saudi Arabia - if Saudi Arabia is defamed, then by virtue of political friendship, The US is as well. On September 22, Reuters reported that the US Senate "cleared the way for a $1.5 billion sale of tanks and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia...defending a frequent partner in the Middle East recently subject to harsh criticism in Congress".

Similarly, UK media is also largely ignoring the conflict because well, it sells arms to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is probably using these arms in the conflict. Also in September Prime Minister Theresa May strongly defended UK's selling of arms to Saudi Arabia, saying it was keeping people on UK streets safe. Also, in October 2016, the New York Times reported, "...Obama administration put limits on its support for the Saudi-led coalition, providing intelligence and Air Force tankers to refuel the coalition's jets and bombers. The American military has refueled more than 5,700 aircraft involved in the bombing campaign since it began, according to statistics provided by United States Central Command, which oversees American military operations in the Middle East".

Again, it's not in America's favor, or for that matter in the UK's favor to report on the Yemeni crisis because they're involved by virtue of selling arms and intelligence. Other countries allied with America and the UK may not by virtue of political friendship.

While not much attention is being given to the Yemen issue, the Syrian conflict has been so widely reported for many reasons including:

1. Rivalry between the US and Russia

2. Syria was formerly a very economically and culturally rich country

3. While the situation in Syria is very bad, and it would be a grave mistake to say that it's safe for journalists to report from places like Aleppo, the situation in Yemen, however, is somehow worse because Saudis have done their best to not only keep journalists out but also fuel shortage created by the blockage makes it really hard to move about the capital and country.

4. Since Yeminis are trapped by the coalition blockade, which is starving them of basic necessities, the world is not able to see millions displaced from their homes and in urgent need of necessities like food and aid.

As humans of the world, it is our duty to make an individual effort to know and understand what is happening and why. And if what is happening is wrong, then it is also our duty to raise a human cry about it. Right now, let's do all we can to support Yemenis stuck in the battle..., and if all that we can do is read, write and protest, then let's let that be the starting point.

Source: India Times, Edited by Website Team

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