Yemen’s Upper Hand to Destroy the Deal of the Century

Local Editor

With the advent of Trump in Washington, the policy of Arab-Israeli peace talks has grown to become known as the Deal of the Century, and many see it as the most treacherous event in Islamic history since the start of the Palestinian crisis. Under these circumstances, the actors in the region each made a separate decision on the deal of the century.

One group, such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, known as the Resistance countries, considers it a betrayal of Muslims and humanity, while another group, led by Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, sees it as a solution in regional decisions. Even one side of the negotiations is between Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain.

However, Saudi Arabia knows that the negotiation of the deal of the century in the region has given a potentially dangerous potential for the collapse of Saudi Arabia, and the deal of the century is likely to turn into a new Islamic awakening. The same event that toppled the governments of Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, Ben Ali and Ali Abdullah Saleh in the year 2011 and led countries to a new uprising.  Under such circumstances, strengthening and consolidating internal and national security, as well as setting up a coherent political structure required by Riyadh. Bin Salman knows that without such a policy, he would not be able to make much decision to implement of the deal of the century. In such a situation, Yemen’s defensive ability and dragging the war on Saudi Arabia’s economic interests will have a severe blow to Riyadh, and it can be said that Saudi Arabia may soon face serious economic insecurity. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia faces a $ 50 billion budget deficit next year, which is a real threat.

If Sana’a decides to take another step against Saudi economic interests, it could create major problems for Riyadh’s decision to enforce the deal of the Century. For example, the Aramco challenge puts Riyadh under pressure again on the matter of bringing this company’s share to the world stock market and forced Bin Salman to put a lot of pressure on Saudi princes to buy the shares of the company.

On the other hand, Zionist officials and the media have claimed that after the Yemeni Defense Ministry’s recent stance, the Yemenis are likely to target one of the Zionist strategic targets with UAVs and missiles, as they used in recent operations. Under such circumstances, the regime’s missile defense capability will not be able to respond to Yemeni actions. The famous Patriot system in Saudi Arabia, with many weaknesses, was seriously damaged by the missile system and the Yemeni drone strikes, and Sana’a can use this experience to damage the Zionist regime’s defenses systems.

This opportunity is in a situation that Ansarullah is in close contact with other Palestinian groups and could benefit from their experience of damaging the Iron Dome. Contrary to the US expectation in the region, it seems to have witnessed a new birth of the security order based on the effectiveness of the resistance-oriented power. The order that poses a serious challenge to the political and security structure of the Zionist regime.

Source: iuvmpress, Edited by Website Team

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