By Simon Tisdall
Boris Johnson’s criticisms of Saudi Arabia’s illegal bombing in Yemen and lethal proxy war with Iran in Syria are broadly accurate. Sadly, they do not signal a shift in British policy - as the government’s statement distancing itself from his comments makes very clear. Rather, they are further proof of the foreign secretary’s talent for posturing - and his unfitness as Britain’s chief diplomat.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, a proposition Johnson reinforces whenever he opens his mouth. His scathing remarks about the Saudi leadership in Rome last week, revealed by the Guardian, were no exception. Remarkably, Johnson was on the Andrew Marr show only days later, defending the same unpleasant regime.
... It is not unreasonable to describe Riyadh’s leaders as "puppeteers". It’s true, according to the UN, that Saudi-led air raids have been responsible for 60% of the 2,067 civilians killed in Yemen since July last year. (The casualty figure is a low estimate.)
It’s true that in January a UN panel concluded that 119 airstrikes potentially broke international human rights law. And it’s true that among the millions displaced, Yemeni children are among the chief sufferers. But when he is sticking to his official brief, rather than winging it, Johnson continues to maintain that Britain and Saudi Arabia are close allies acting in concert, and that a legal and moral "threshold" has not been crossed by Saudi actions in Yemen. Johnson’s talk of a Sunni-Shia political divide that abuses Islam, and an absence of enlightened regional leaders willing to overcome it, is another truism. In recent years a more assertive Iran... has mounted multiple challenges to Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia’s role as guardian and leader of the Islamic world.
But Britain has taken sides in this fight. It has broadly gone along with US and Israeli efforts to isolate and weaken Tehran, especially since 9/11, using as a lever Iran’s unproven pursuit of nuclear weapons. At the same time, it is one of Saudi Arabia’s biggest arms suppliers.
Britain continues, in effect, to turn a blind eye to Saudi’s human rights abuses, its appalling record of judicial executions, and its repression and jailing of human rights campaigners in its Bahrain satrap. On persistent allegations, vehemently denied by Riyadh, that wealthy Saudi individuals have funded Islamic State and al-Qaida, now and in the past, Britain keeps silent. Last month, after two parliamentary committees recommended the suspension of arms sales to Riyadh, Johnson’s Foreign Office pooh-poohed their advice. Johnson previously opposed a Labour move to halt arms sales, saying it would eliminate British influence with the Saudis "at a stroke". Ironically, Johnson’s clumsily truthful, insulting comments in Rome may achieve exactly this result.
So what does Johnson now propose should happen? Britain’s relationship with the Saudi regime has long been toxic, corrupting and unhealthy. Those who support it, including all governments in recent times, argue the alliance is of strategic value. David Cameron claimed last year that Saudi intelligence cooperation helped prevent terrorist attacks in Britain.
There is no doubting the value to British industry, in terms of cash and jobs, of Saudi arms contracts. While Iran’s behaviour remains unpredictable, it is argued, the Saudis are a key bulwark. And Theresa May has found another reason for making nice. She was in the Gulf this week laying the ground for post-Brexit bilateral trade deals. Forget maimed children in Sana’a. Sign here, and here.
If Johnson has even a bit of courage to match his Rome convictions, he should now push for a more interrogatory relationship. Since we know from the leave campaign that he is strong on British values, how about taking the Saudis to task for their sectarian puppeteering and rights abuses in a substantive, as opposed to rhetorical way?
Suspend UK arms sales until the UN certifies that Riyadh is respecting international law. Stand up for the defenders of human rights in Bahrain. Encourage Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in his supposed push for internal reform, especially women’s rights. Defy Donald Trump and deepen Barack Obama’s opening to Iran. Work to break the Saudi-Sunni mindset of religious war-making.
In other words, Boris, put your money where your big mouth is.
Source: The Guardian, Edited by Website Team