By Turfat ul ain
US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley claimed Thursday that a missile the Yemeni army had fired at Saudi Arabia last month was supplied by Tehran.
Well, let’s analyze some facts here. Is it Iran that has been talking of peace, dialog and ceasefire or the so called United States of America? Had Iran been arming them, is it possible that at the same time they call for dialog and negotiations?
So, what has Ms. Haley been doing, representing a comic baseless scene or shall I say she was trying to white wash?
Yes, you heard it right, white wash. She was actually trying to white wash the US Crimes, the crime of arming Saudi Arabia which has enabled them to kill not tens but thousands of innocent Yemeni Children, civilians and pushed them to largest crisis.
Not only providing arms to Saudi, the United States has also supported the Saudi regime in naval and aerial blockade on Yemen that has so far killed over 12,000 people and led to a humanitarian crisis as well as a deadly cholera outbreak.
Haley’s allegations were to white wash the crimes of aggression against the Yemenis that has so far killed thousands of civilians, displaced millions, destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure and health system and pushed the country to the brink of the largest famine the world has seen for decades, as the UN has warned.
Her accusations were to white wash the crimes that UNICEF warned of, that at least one child dies every 10 minutes because of malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory-tract infections caused due to Saudi bombing and blockade.
For instance, if we accept her claims for a moment, we never heard of Yeminis killing Saudi civilians or kids, we never heard of blockade on the Kingdom, we never heard of any malnutrition cases of Cholera outbreak. But yes, almost three years now, we had been reading the following headlines:
US-made bomb killed civilians in Yemen residential building (Guardian)
Saudi coalition killed hundreds of children in Yemen (The Independent)
U.S. arms sold to Saudis are killing civilians in Yemen (LA Times)
Saudi Arabia Borrows U.S. Military to Kill Yemenis (Huffington Post)
Call for Int’l Action Against US Weapons Used to Kill Yemenis (Financial Tribune)
US-made bomb kills and maims children in deadly strike (Amnesty International)
While analyzing the above headlines,wWhere does Ms. Haley reach? Obviously white washing.
The US ambassador to UN, before making baseless allegations, should have a look on whom she is supporting, a terrorist regime that created ISIS. Oh forget about supporting other countries what about her imperialist country itself, who have made their illegal presence in the resourceful countries like Afghanistan and the countries of Middle East in the form of their army under the pretext of fighting ISIS, where as they themselves created them in collaboration with the Al Saud regime. Had it not been true, then what are US forces yet doing in Syria after the clearance of ISIS from the state?
Source: sachtimes, Edited by Website Team